About us
Our department has been opened in the 2001-2002 academic year and now offers variety of programmes, including Turkish Tile Design, Illumination, Calligraphy, Carpet - Rug and Old Fabric Design. In addition to the main courses, Ebru (paper marbling), Miniature, Pencil-Drawing and Tile Restoration courses are also offered to improve visual perception and formation skills of the students. Besides that, subjects of handicrafts, artistic values, restoration and conservation are also taught.
The students are admitted to our department after taking Special Skills Examination. They study basic subjects during the first 2 semesters, and after that, they select one of the main branches and specialise in this subject.
Our Aims
Our department aims to provide practical workshops and theoretical lectures to help students to become creative young artists who can produce original classical or contemporary designs. We also set out to carry Turkish Traditional Arts into the future by developing an understanding, protecting it and maintaining its continuity. Furthermore, our objective is to ensure that Traditional Turkish Arts has a place in the universal art arena by producing original, unique, contemporary and distinctive presentations.
Work Opportunities
Students who graduate from our department can open their own art workshops or work at the restoration areas or other workshops. They can also teach at the institutions affiliated to Ministry of Education or at private schools. In addition, they can continue to study for master degree at the universities which offer Traditional Turkish Arts programs.
Title | Name - Surname | Postion | Ext. | Room | |
Prof. | Dinçay KÖKSAL | D. Head of Department | 3002 | 307 | dkoksalyahoo.com |
Asst. Prof. | Halide OKUMUŞ | 3020 | halideokumusyahoo.com | ||
Lecturer | Mustafa HOŞNUT | 3021 | mhosnutcomu.edu.tr | ||
Lecturer | Zerrin GÜZEL | 3066 | zguzelcomu.edu.tr | ||
Lecturer | İsmail ÖZTÜRK | 3022 | ismailozturkcomu.edu.tr | ||
R.A. | Zeynep AROL | 3025 | zeyneparolhotmail.com |
2018 Exhibition of Department of Traditional Turkish Arts’s Graduated Students
2018 Fine Arts Faculty, 2017-2018 Academic Year Graduation Exhibition
2018 Tile, Marbling, Calligraphy events within 23 April
2017 Fine Arts Faculty, 2016-2017 Academic Year Graduation Exhibition
2016 Exhibition of Department of Traditional Turkish Arts’s Graduated Students